I'm going to build a tinyhouse on my property (which already has a normalhouse). I'm trying to squeeze thru the
local code loophole where I can build a structure under 100 sq/ft without permits and taxes. Well, really that loophole is my fallback... First I'm hoping that nobody finds it, even though I live in an urban area.
Beside all the typical advantages to building
underground, I figure that it will especially suit my situation for these additional reasons:
- Typically an inspector would measure the outside of the building to see if it stays under 100 sq/ft. Underground he doesn't really have this option...
- I want it to be well insulated, but I don't want to waste my precious square footage on thick, above-ground walls. Using the PSP method, the walls are thin, but all the earth around the building takes care of insulating.
- I can add protruding secret closets beyond the 100 sq/ft unnoticed.
Here's the design I came up with. It will be built with un-milled logs, but flat surfaces were easier to work with in sketchup. The pink areas on the wings are the "secret closets". The site is on a hill sloping down to the south, with the privacy mostly to the south. It will of
course be covered in earth, but these pictures don't really show that...
Any advice would be very much appreciated. I relish the opportunity to tap the collective brilliant mind of permies. Thanks.