We have a spot right by our back door that we would like to grow some edibles in. One side has full sun and grew some great tomatoes in pots last year, the other is on the shady side of a tall dense hedge and basically grows moss.
What can we put in the shady side? It gets a good few hours of morning sun, but from about 11am it is in full shade.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
leafy herbs since it's by the door, parsley, mint, coriander that type of thing or lettuces and other leafy greens they won't bolt as fast in that area.
Ostrich ferns! Super tasty spring shoots (when boiled), very ornamental plant. It prefers shady areas, especially when there isn't so much water around. Okay, in terms of calories per square meter and year it's not that great, but otherwise a brilliant plant...
It sounds like a good spot for Hablitzia tamnoides. That's quite attractive in flower and will probably scramble through the hedge. I've just got some Trachystemon orientalis, a perennial borage relative that is supposed to do OK in dry shade, but prefers damp.