Okay, so I'm super excited about the passive income idea - set off all these little things in motion and watch it go - make's my hearbeat go up a notch just thinking about it.
I've dabbled a little with a few things, but the problem I'm having is dropping plates. Like: "you haven't updated your blog in ages over here", "over there forgot to do your 'daily'
facebook marking for the past six weeks straight", "you haven't introduced a new product for awhile over here", and "you're getting behind on inventory over there", and then a whammy like, "oops, haven't watered the microgreens for a week... they dead"
... and then I fall to my knees, screaming into the sky in frustration ...
This is my confession: I'm great at starting things. (Probably things that would actually work, too.) The problem is the dream quickly falls apart when it comes to actually maintaining them.
It is a pattern that has happened to me time and time again, and I know if I hope to make any traction at all in the future, I need to learn how to break free from it.
Is there any help for the organizationally-challenged?
How do you do it? How do you keep up with all of the million-and-one little tasks that need to happen without letting things fall through the cracks?
I'd like the names of specific tools and techniques you use if possible.