Swm, 40 years old looking to leave everything behind except my dog and what i can carry for survival. I’m an arborist by trade and have an old soul that was delivered to the wrong era! I love to hunt, fish, climb, and build beautiful things from just an idea or a vision. I’m a fun, energetic person looking for a partner to build with and enjoy our time here surrounded by Mother Nature and her peace!!
Thank you guys so much for your answer to my post. And thank you for the merge.. way to network!! 👍🏻👍🏻 So as of right now I am waiting on a response through my email from @JamieKennedy so we can arrange a visit to meet. I can’t wait to see what happens here!! 🤞🏻
Ben Child wrote:You’re formally invited , to my forest ...and please bring your dog
I should probably elaborate ..that’s a invite, on the grounds that you look like a cool bro that would fit in the area and perhaps on the property .., but I’m a dude looking for a woman , too.
Just to clarify
Hello there, although I’m now a few years older than when I posted my call for a mate, I’m still single. If you read what you like send me a message. Happy hunting.