I recently started some Shepherdia Canadensis (Buffaloberry) from seed. My germination rate isn’t great, probably 25-40%, but a lot of the seedlings are beginning to wilt and I’m not sure why. They’re growing under lights in a starter mix. I can’t find much info on whether I should keep them wetter or drier or what.
Good luck to you Zakk. I have no advice to offer.
I'm just here to throw some appreciation at the wonderful Buffaloberry. Along with Asparagus, it is one of only two edibles that I've planted that wildlife will ignore. Everything else gets decimated without protection.
Considering the type of plant you're working with, could your soil be too wet or too rich? A starter mix usually holds water, and from the information I can find they don't like wet feet.
Are the plants damping off, or is it something else? You say they're wilting.
New location. Zone 6b, acid soil, 30+ inches of water per year.
Growingmodernlandraces.com affiliate
I've grown quite a few of them from seed over the past few years, and yes they have a pretty low germination rate as well as low survivability when young. They don't like to grow in pots very well, but once planted out they seem to do okay.
I've got two lots of S. canadensis seed started. I think I bought from two sources accidently! One lot are in the fridge having a chill pre-treatment. The other I sowed in a pot outside. At the moment the seeds in the fridge are partly mouldering and partly swollen and OK, but no sign of germination. The ones outside have germinated pretty well and are just starting to show the first proper leaves.
We have a a pretty cool climate and this year has been a late start to the spring, so we are only just starting to climb above 10 deg C. It has also been moderately damp, with rain, (and snow last month) sometimes heavy every few days. If the soil is dry therefore, watering wouldn't do any harm I think. If you put a wooden stick in the pot, you can pull it out to tell how damp the potting soil is.
Good luck.