Hi Everyone,
I wanted to share a bad
experience I'm having - maybe it will help someone else, and maybe it will help me feel better to share what's happened, as well as help me get the right lessons from it for next time.
So I have three muscovy ducks that went broody this spring - Ice Cream, Frostina, and Baba Yaga. I'll call them Duck A, B, and C, in that order so I don't have to type the names out a hundred times.
Duck A went broody on 15 eggs first, then B followed along about a week later with 4 eggs. (she's been half-assing it all along and I'm most mad at her) Duck C started sitting on 19 eggs about two weeks after that.
Everything was going great during sitting, they were very consistent, and I was candling every few days and fascinated with the process. About 5 days ago A's babies started hatching, right on time, and I was really excited, but that's when the chaos started. All 15 hatched, and sort of scattered themselves among the other broody ducks. I felt like that was fine, as long as they were warm, I didn't mind them sharing moms. But it seemed to throw off the other ducks' cycles, especially B. It didn't help that 10 babies followed A outside a day later, and the other 5 stayed inside. I started seeing B out of her nest a lot - she'd be sitting ON C, or crammed in A's nest with her, or just outside for really long amounts of time. One morning I went down to check on everything, and she had clearly been out of her nest for a long time - her eggs were completely cold, and when I checked them, one had actually started hatching, so it was really upsetting that she wasn't on them. I decided to move them to Duck C's nest, since she seemed more committed to her 19 eggs. B then started sitting with C full-time, and I thought it might be a good idea to expand her nest a little since there were now 23 eggs and 2 ducks in it - I took the divider out between them, since the boxes are a little small already. Things seemed ok for maybe a day, but then the eggs got really spread out, and it seems that both B and C have given up on them. The babies are with A full-time now, and B's eggs have not hatched. I have an incubator on the way, but I think it's too late for all 23 eggs now, and I really regret not having one on hand before now. I'll put them in the incubator when it gets here and give them a week or so, but I have very little confidence I'll get any to hatch.
So here's the things I think I did wrong:
1. I
should have taken Duck B's eggs as soon as she started getting weird and put them in an incubator. I'm not experienced
enough to recognize a 'bad mom' duck, but I think this is it.
2. I should not have added Duck B's eggs to Duck C's nest, nor should I have 'expanded' her nest. I think Duck C now feels that her nest has been destroyed, and typing that out makes me feel really dumb. :(
3. I should have had an incubator on hand for anything like this. I'm fairly new to ducks, and had heard that muscovies are really good moms, so it didn't occur to me that Duck B would get all weird.
Questions I have:
1. Is this normal that other broody ducks (or
chickens etc) get their cycle a little mixed up when other moms hatch their babies? Will they typically settle down after the excitement?
2. What are some warning signs of a bad mom? I don't know the pedigree of these ducks. A is one I raised from a duckling last year and she's been great, but B and C are from Craigslist that I bought as adults to increase my genetic diversity and they've always been a little janky.
3. Anything else I did wrong here?
Thanks for reading, and your replies. Some hard lessons have been learned this year, and I hope to be a better duck-grandparent next year!