I have some beautiful bearing
trees (fig and serviceberry) that a
concrete truck must pass over. They have been establishing for 3 years and I hate to undervalue their hard work by treating them carelessly because of my lack of foresight. I know people on permies have been here...
In your
experience, can you say whether trees (especially such as these) benefit more from being cut down and allowed to resprout, or from being dug up and replanted? Of
course dormancy matters...these trees would be uprooted/cut in the prime of their activity, while ripening fruit. :(
Last year I dug up two chestnuts and found that the 3-year established seedling chestnut fared much better when transplanted to a totally different soil type than the 1.5 year grafted chestnut, itself 2-3 years old and 6 feet or so, has done transplanted to very similar soil just 100 feet away. Go figure!