So this year we ordered 60 Easter Egger
chickens to go with a few banties we hatched in our incubator from neighbors eggs. We had low success rate for several reasons

mainly first time users of the $50
tractor supply incubator, and the eggs had been refrigerated up to 3 weeks. Anyway from the house we have seen the
chicken hawk fly over,
land, reach under the
shelter and grab a pullet and fly off with it. Very sad, very frustrating. We have premier1 4 ft high electric fencing. A little over 300 feet of it and move it once a week around the
yard. We have discovered that tree limbs stacked in a 3 to 4 foot high stack are one of the favorite places to hang out and great source of worms after they have been in place a week or so. We have also discovered a great use for old volleyball nets

we have 3 cheap ones from walmart. After setting them up in a random pattern inside the electric
fence we have seen the hawk fly over but decide not to try for a chicken. The nets seem to disrupt the flight path and takeoff area just
enough to make it go somewhere else for a hot lunch. Time will tell if this solutions will be the final one

And i may use some rebar to stick in the ground and set the volleyball nets a few feet higher off the ground. They are currently 3-5 feet what with different sets and broken missing pieces of the poles.