Several varieties of plants have fell victim to four legged predators this year.
Rabbits, squirrels,
mice and my collie have really developed a taste for melons. I’ve lost more that thirty plants in the last few months.
Then there’s my African horned melons. Nothing has touched them nor any plant around them. I found out why today. When touching the vine I feel like I’ve stuck my hand in a
stinging nettle plant. Holding the fruit gives a similar sensation except the spines hurt even more. This is not a plant to mess with!
I already have guilds established around my fruit
trees but I know this one will be fit in next year. I can foresee pears, peaches and pomegranate untouched by squirrels. I don’t think I’ll have to plant many either because the vines stretch far and wide.
Harvesting the fruit trees could be a challenge but it’s worth a one season trial.