What did I dig up? I'm puzzled...
This bed has been neglected and not harvested. There was garlic dumped there a couple years ago, I'd say elephant garlic also at some point. Also in there was a type of allium I have been seeding from here and there in the rental
yard for several years, I have it labeled "some sort of wild onion" with my guess being a leek relative.
I'm digging the bed over (it's never been dug at all) adding leaves and kitchen scraps, and removing a lot of rocks, and breaking up the allium clumps and replanting them down in better soil. The garlic is definitely clumped as garlic, the big bulbs that clump like it definitely taste like elephant garlic. But the "some sort of wild onion" has me just flat baffled.
The clump it was in was all small round bulbs, from marble sized to 2 inches, I brought in the 2 inch one, and planted the rest back down. It is round, slightly pointed top, had purple paper skin, but inside was white with faint yellow streaks. And no layers like an onion, or segmentation at all. Texture like a new potato. I took a bite, mellow like elephant garlic, till it after burned bitter strong garlic.
What on EARTH did I dig up? Is there such thing as elephant garlic that grows as unsegmented balls?