posted 3 years ago
Is the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) important to you? If so, then the building codes and processes do apply, however they are done in your county; watch out for minimum building occupancy size ... could be 600 sq ft or more, which might be 20' x 30' (or some derivation of 600).
What size of structure is important to you? If you have a minimum sq ft that can only be met by a shed of certain size, then it's either buy that shed (with all their resulting cost choices), or custom-build your own (or have it done for you). Let's say you'll spend $10k on a shed; if bought from someone who makes such sheds, you'll:
- accept their cost & design choices, such as using 2x2's or 2x3's, instead of more common framing materials; perhaps 7' wall heights; etc.
- pay a chunk for their "profit" (their name on the building) ... this could be several $1000's of dollars, with the result that you are paying $10k, but only getting $8k or so of actual building.
As the others have suggested, building it yourself or having it built for you, to your specifications, could result in more value and better choices.
Constraints & trade-offs are always deciding factors, if no flexibility. Consider all this when purchasing the land as well; the area you choose, the size of acreage, neighbors, codes, HOA's, etc. all comes into play.
If the CO is not all that important to you, or codes & such are not as important in the area you choose, then you have these options:
- put the shed on "skids"
- build a tiny-home on wheels (trailer)
both of these would bypass code requirements altogether, and might save you $1000's; both can be built yourself, or by someone for you. Both can be moved around as needed. You might end up with more value in the structure ...
Hope this helps ...