I love being in Tomato Forums as I get to hear about all kinds of varieties I would never hear of otherwise. Recently someone posted asking about a tomato called Lucinda... Turns out there are two varieties with that name one simple red paste type tomato and the one that caught my attention. This Lucinda is a green when ripe with green stripes and a tart/tangy flavor similar to its Green Zebra ancestor. However it has carrot leaf foliage and is a determinate like its Silvery Fir Tree ancestor. I LOVE the flavor of Green Zebra but it is a hit or miss plant here. Last year it was just starting to bloom when we got our first snow. So the thought of a dwarf plant that I could bring inside to avoid our early snows is thrilling. I had to go looking for seeds to this variety.
I found the seeds on Etsy but the shipping was more then a single packet of seeds so I looked around the store and picked up a couple of other varieties that sounded interesting. Moonlight Mile is an indeterminate green striped purple tomato with variegated foliage. It will be pretty out side but eh not something I want to bring into my little micros. The other one however is a small determinate plant, has bright lime green/chartreuse foliage, and produced purple with green stripe tomatoes. It is also considered both productive and tasty. Hmmm these are features I would like in my micros...
So my plans changed a bit I will add Lucinda and Cherokee Tiger Black to my grow list for summer. Along with Big Hill they will be my large plant crosses to start new micro lines.
Normal procedure when crossing a micro dwarf to a large plant is to use the micro dwarf as the parent with the large plant as the pollen donor. It is done this way because you can use the seedling to tell if the cross was successful. Crossed plants will be full size, uncrossed plants will be micro seedlings. This lets you know quickly if your cross took or needs to be repeated. This is how I will do the crosses to Big Hill. HOWEVER Lucinda and Cherokee Tiger Black both have recessive foliage types. This means any crossed seedlings will have normal foliage. So in their case I can use them as the parent and micro dwarfs as the pollen donors. The bigger flower size and sturdier stems will make crosses easier to do. AND of
course there will be more flowers to work with since their size allows them to make more tomatoes.
On the micro dwarf side I am thinking of using Rosy Finch. While I was not impressed with it flavor it makes larger oval shaped cherry tomatoes and for its size is fairly productive. It has the growth style I like i.e. upright and sturdy very similar to a normal dwarf but they stop at only 12 to 14 inches tall. The color of the tomatoes is also a good choice as it allows me to really increase my color choices in the F2 and further generations.
Another variety I am thinking of using is Pygmy, again a small upright tree like build but one of my 9 inch tall plants gave me over 70 nice sized cherry tomatoes. I will use my saved seed from that plant to grow out my selection for crossing.