Anne Miller wrote:If the pictures that I posted are verticle then a water wheel would be horizontal?
Yes,....the verticle versus horizontal refers to the axis or the spindle orientation. The typical windmills of the Netherlands and on old farmsteads of the US along with the now-proliferating wind farms around the country are "HAWTs" --- Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines. VAWTs are "verticle axis wind turbines" of the type shown in your first post above, Anne. On the one hand, a fair amount of evidence appears to support the greater efficiency of HAWTs in converting wind power to electrical energy....hence the greater number in use around the world. On the other hand, I'm still intrigued by VAWTs which can claim to be more robust in turbulent, multi-directional winds, even if at the expense of efficient power conversion. When we first moved onto our homestead, a HAWT would have been a no-brainer due to the wind potential and lack of
trees. Now, trees dominate the property and we would need significant elevation to put a HAWT high
enough to avoid the turbulence from the tree-tops. Wind still makes itself felt in the farmyard, but with greater turbulence than when we moved in. In my mind, a medium wattage VAWT may still make sense if not too expensive, assuming that low watts ultimate will be generated by this lesser-efficent technology.
All of the above written on my past understanding of the topic. It's been some years now and perhaps newer technologies.....either in HAWTs being able to withstand greater turbulence, or VAWTs in gaining efficiency through engineering....have positively impacted the options available.