John C Daley wrote:What does this mean please?
a TLUD powered boiler.
TLUD is short hand for a Top Lit Up Draft charcoal making retort.
They are very simple retorts that make charcoal by the batch and produce heat that is easily used for cooking.
I made one from a stainless steel stock pot and now I'm building a contraption that captures the heat in water.
I have two water tanks at hand, one insulated, one not, amounting to another 80 gallons over the 30 or so that boiler holds.
If the un-insulated tank is filled with stone, the stone could absorb some of the heat and the naked steel could radiate some as well.
More heat at the roots and less in the air is preferable, so maybe this isn't the solution I need
So maybe I wont use stones to temper the water, but I could increase the amount of water heated to the point that it will be unlikely to get very hot at all.
What the right temperature would be is another matter.
Rooting tempatures for hardwoods can be from about 55 to 80F with 70 considered ideal.
Dissolved oxygen goes down as the heat goes up, and treating potted plants for pests by dunking them in 120F water till the
root ball gets to 115 degrees seems to be an accepted practice.
I could rig a pump to circulate when the water in the boiler got to 80 and stop when it got below 70.
This would let me evenly heat the entire system to an acceptable level.
Its another expense, but much cheaper than a tempering valve.
I might even have all the components already.
I could even add other heat sources, like a
solar PV driven coil or a solar thermal water heating collector.