posted 3 years ago
Hello Staff,
Thank you for your hard work,
I continue to expand in areas of which to grow and learn about using this site.
However I have studying Bacteria, And am amazed by the usefulness of soil bacteria, from Methanogenic bacteria, nitrifying, bacteria that has anti biotic properties,
Anti fungal,
As bacteria makes up 90 percent of carbon mass of living things in the earth, should they not have there own section in soils.
Bacteria are awesome, I want to learn so much more and it would be helpful for me to have a good spot to learn from others and share.
Maybe protozoa, nematodes, actinomycetes could have there own sections in growies as well.
Or maybe its time to make soils it own topic all together and move away from growies,
I mean its at least worth thinking about!
Thank you for your time,