posted 3 years ago
I've been doing this. I don't have a lot of plastic clamshell waste here, but in spring I cover my vulnerable transplants with everything I can. Last winter it was clearish plastic food tubs with a small rock on top to prevent blowing away, and several pyrex-type food storage and glass baking pans. And two clear plastic buckets.
I try to be careful to remove them on sunny days so those vulnerable seedlings don't get cooked. So far it's been fine, but maybe because I was home all day during the pandemic.
I don't seem to have taken a real picture, but last spring when I took a shot of the garden from the roof in order to make garden plan notes, the covers were off for the daytime, along with the watering can used for the teeny transplants.
Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.