Terry Byrne wrote:
Sorry, dumb me again, not sure if this is how to report Site Glitches.
Nikki Roche's - Tough cuts of meat seem to be the last things I reach for from the freezer, and this thread can help with how to cook them. It's specifically about deer, but there is great general advice, too.
comes up with a
Oops! The thread you are trying to view does not exist...
Maybe it's gone! Maybe it never existed! Who knows?!
OK, it works on my computer as :
We did have a glitch in a recent dailyish where links were missing stuff and only worked for some people. I will see if someone can check what was sent vs what was *supposed* to be sent. We do try, but we do not always succeed.
You are reporting it in the "tinkering" forum which is correct, but it might have been better to click on the "new topic" button than add it to "censoring", but please don't take that as a complaint, just a hint for if it happens again. We *really* appreciate it when members tell us about problems so we can fix them!