Wow! thanks Dwight! If we decide to buy here (we are also looking at New Mexico, Arizona, and Grand Junction, CO), I will definitely take you up on that offer. I'd love both, and the sand plums.
My plan is to look for a property which will remain about 40% in trees; 20% in wildflower and
deer feeding plots; and 40% with house, buildings, veg plot, and
chickens. I am not marketing for sale so this is to provide for us alone (2) and excess I will donate to a food kitchen.
I've compiled a working list of trees that I would want, but the first thing to do is a tree inventory on whatever property we buy (if in OK). All invasive Red Cedars will be removed, taken to a sawmill and planed for lumber or for a Cordwood building. I'd like to plan on making a hedgerow for something of a windbreak but also for native birds and wildlife to forage.
For those who might be interested (could apply with some adaption to Texas, Missouri, or Arkansas) this is my working list so far --
Sand Plum, Chickasaw Plum (Prunus angustifolia)
Golden Currant (also called Buffalo or Spice Currant) (Ribes aureum Pursh var. aureum)
Serviceberry (Saskatoon variety) (Amelanchier arbor, is a native)
Sumac (look at Fragrant sumac (R. aromatica)
Flowering Quince (Common is a native variety - Common)
Red Chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia) and Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa).
American Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana)
Deciduous Holly (Ilex decidua) or Possumhaw
Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)
Western Soapberry (Sapindus drummondii)
Black Cherry (prefers eastern OK)
Crabapple Prairifire (Malus x 'Prairifire')
Wild Plum (Prunus americana)
Persimmon ((Diospyros virginiana))
Mulberry (Morus rubra), (Morus microphylla), (Morus nigra)
PawPaw (Asimina triloba)
Pecan trees (look for Shawnee, Stuart, Pawnee, Mohawk, Mount, Paruque and Kanza varieties in Central OK)
Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)
Kentucky (Coffeetree Gymnocladus dioicus)
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)
Native Wildflowers: to attract
bees and butterflies
Prairie Pusstytoes
Indian Paintbrush
Agastache (Hyssop) Anise Hyssop
Golden Crownbeard
Eastern Purple Coneflower (Coneflower)
Indian Blanket
Wild Bergamot
Maximillian Sunflower
Blazing Star
Aromatic Aster
Blue Sage
Milkweed: Green Antelopehorn
Butterfly Weed / Butterfly Milkweed
Showy Milkweed
We found a lot of these native wildflowers being sold at the
Sand Springs Herbal Affair, Saturday, April 16th from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. ;
Jenks Herb and Plant Festival April 23, 2022 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.;
Tulsa Audubon Backyard Habitat Tour, May 14 (Sat. 9:00 to 5:00) and May 15 (Sun. 12:00-5:00);
and check out
OKC Flower and Garden Fest, OKC Myriad Botanical Gardens, May 7 Saturday 9:00-4:00