Before we moved to the Pacific Wet Coast, we lived in Ottawa, Ontario which was cold and snowy. All our friends were super busy in December, so trying to get a group of them together seemed more of a chore than a celebration.
So one year, I decided to hold a February Party! Yes, I admit I got funny looks, but why not use the February Blues as an excuse to cheer everyone up, get everyone to dress up in bright colours, cook up some warm and cheery food, and have a party.
If we hold it a couple of weeks from now, I could make
nettle pesto - bright greeeeen!
My ducks are laying - I've got a cake recipe that looks awesome with cranberries folded in - bright red!
Any suggestions for a yummy spring tonic?
Double-edged sword - I'd need to clean up all my sewing in the living room and get last fall's pumpkin harvest off the floor!
Anybody want to join me? Think of a few friends or neighbors you couldn't share a meal with in December when the Omicron risk was through the roof and no one wants to get sick at Christmas? Maybe now's the time?
I have no big desire to turn this into a "gift" thing, but I do have a few seeds that are looking for new homes... planting seeds in Feb isn't such a bad plan!