Hi Patrick,
Last week someone started a
thread on peaty waterlogged sites asking for ideas and advice for permacultural approaches to this kind of
land and, as part of the thread, Aranya mentioned a fellow called Bruce Marshall and his efforts to improve upland boggy land who you'd written about in '
Permaculture in a Nutshell'. While my soil isn't peaty or waterlogged, I have a lot of family on the Isle of Skye some of whom do have peaty soil hence my interest in methods of improving it.
While I will borrow a copy of your book in order to read up on Bruce Marshall, has he published or otherwise described his methods and results in detail including the long term effects of his efforts to improve his peaty soil? I tried Googling his name but didn't come up with anything.
Additionally, are you aware of other methods of improving peaty soil or projects/experiments which have attempted to do this? In the
previous thread a method called chinampa was mentioned and
Sepp Holzer describes the methods he used for improving heathland in Scotland through using stone windbreaks to create
shelter and aid soil retention.
Thanks for your time,
P.s. I already have the 'Earth Care Manual' and I must say it's my favourite PC book out of the ones I've read so far!