posted 7 years ago
Rock has value in direct proportion to their size. If you are talking rocks the size of cars it is one thing as they can be string together for wind protection and to make nice terraces as you mention, but of course are costly to move. Rocks the size of desks have their place too, etc.
I live in Maine so yes I have my share of rocks! I have done a lot of land clearing on steep mountainsides but our soil is too thin to terrace. If you have the soil depth it would not be too bad, but working on a hillside is challenging, especially the thinner the soil because excavators and bulldozers don't grip to exposed rock like soil. You really only have to do "half the wok" with terracing because to get a 10 foot terrace, you dig 5 feet on the uphill side and deposit it on the downhill side; together you just made a 10 foot terrace by moving very little dirt.
It also sounds like your farm is a lot like mine. I have used swales to successfully divert water from the lower areas with great success.