I live in a townhouse with a garage that never freezes, so my best option for composting is vermicompost. Plus I just love worms, so that works out.
I don't have access to good leaves, so when I started I mostly fed them peat and kitchen scraps. They liked that.
Then we got a pet rabbit, and when I added the bedding to the worm bin (I only had one bin at that point) it really reduced the population. I didn't realize how dry the pine shavings were, even with the litter box that was "wet," but wet with ammonia
pee, the woms didn't like that either. So I pulled the bin apart, took out the stuff they didn't like, and put the remaining worms into a separate bin with their normal peat and scraps to get them jump started again.
Meanwhile, I made a bin of the rabbit cage litter (pine shavings and shredded paper,
poop, and the litter box which has pine pellets--breaks down to sawdust--and
urine). I bought an em-1 type product called ProBio
https://www.scdprobiotics.com/collections/probiotic-mother-cultures/products/probio-balance-original and started "pre-treating" the rabbit litter with that for a few weeks before adding and mixing carefully with the new worm bins.
I had a bin of treated litter that had been sitting for a long time, so I threw a few worms in there to see if they could handle it. Holy crap, they could not! One was half dead and one had an ulcer on its side. Poor things, I threw them back in a good bin.
Next new development, we got another rabbit, and I had a ton of work papers that needed shredding, so I bought a crosscut shredder that makes really small, fluffy shreds. So now I am bedding the
rabbits on mostly paper (the pine isn't good for them anyway, but I'll use up the little that's left.) The litterbox pellets are still pine, because they're SO cheap. Is this bad?
Should I suck it up and buy hardwood pellets? I also got some
biochar, and I added some to the existing worm boxes and some for the litterboxes. So the biochar will get peed on, then innoculated with ProBio solution, then added to the worms eventually.
So now with the addition of lots of shredded paper, the worms seem to be happy with the cage litter. Even with the cage litter being relatively fresh (not sitting long treated with the ProBio solution), if I bury the kitchen scraps with a big wad of rabbit litter and shredded paper (and a bit of peat) the worms seem happy. The new bin is thriving. I wonder, is it the fluffiness of the paper mixture that they like, or does the paper absorb ammonia from the urine? Or is it that they don't like moving their little bodies through the straight pine products, even if they're wet?
Another question, for the bin ProBio-treated of rabbit litter (without paper) that almost killed a couple worms, should I be stirring that or adding anything else to make it break down faster? If left to its own devices, the top gets a fuzzy white fungus, particularly on the rabbit poop. I've attached a picture. I can eventually mix it into other bins, but I'm just kind of wondering what's going on, and how I can do any of these processes better, both in terms of worm health and the overall finished product of the