Your county AHJ's would seem to be the board of health and the county building department. If the land is out in these areas of AHJ, then the website with all the details appears to be:
A quick perusal of their documentation yields requirements for licensed installers, design engineers, no exception for a landowner to install their own system (unless they get licensed as an installer), and so on. Perk tests requiring 8' mini-excavator hole, other analysis tests ...
There does appear to be an allowance for composting toilets, but only if an approved "greywater" system is designed and installed ... this needs more exploration to fully understand, as I couldn't find further details on the above website. Even though they understand composting toilets, the greywater system requirements might go the same route as the septic system, meaning not much different in permitting and installation (almost the same as an approved wastewater system?) and for a few bucks more, a full wastewater system could be put in.
If you haven't bought the land yet, I'd ask for assistance from local installers, who hopefully will do initial consultations for free. Even extended consultations are worth it as part of the investigation to determine if you want this particular piece of property. These folks know what it takes to work with the AHJ's, or what would fly to handle and resolve issues and constraints, including the possibility of composting toilets, greywater, and so on. You might also get a handle on initial and final costs from them.
Add in to that the size of the property and suitability for such wastewater systems (does the land have gotcha's, like flood plains, waterways, etc.), the proximity of neighbors and their visibility into what you are doing on the land, and so on ... it all has to be discovered and dealt with, hopefully before purchase ...
Hope this helps ...