I have some lovely
volunteer squash plants that came up next to my
compost piles. The seeds would have come from either store-bought winter squash we ate, or some useless, but very pretty, little ornamental gourds and pumpkins we couldn't resist buying in the fall. Or possibly some overgrown, home-grown zucchini or yellow crook-neck I threw in there at the end of last summer.
A few of the plants are already setting fruit. One is making these yellow balls, which look like a yellow 8-ball squash, and they turn yellow as soon as they are pollinated, which makes me think they might be a summer squash of some kind? The largest is about the size of a softball right now, and I'd like to pick it and try cooking it.
I do remember on here that someone mentioned that squash could potentially cross-pollinate with "poison squash", resulting in inedible fruit, but I don't remember any details being given about that. Since I am probably not the one who grew the parent squash, i have no way of knowing what it may have been cross-pollinated with. So is this a potential issue I
should be worried about? And if so, how do I tell if this squash is good to eat?