posted 2 years ago
Hello! New to this forum,
Took me forever to figure out how to post, I'm internet smarts challenged, anyway!
I was listening to the latest conference and people got talking about, trading assets or selling them to like minded people, well I have a Skid Loader for sale, and would love if it went to individuals, who may need a piece of mechinary like this, in helping them build there community.
Here are the specs.
85XT Skid Loader, 1910 hours, tires are 12x16.5
And I have an additional D-125 backhoe attachment to go with it as well.
Was asking 39,500.00 BUT would be willing to let it go for 28,000.00 if it would help in the building community, or if it would help you out in your own projects.
If interested send me a purple Moosage.
This piece of mechinary is in the Pennsylvania area.