Hi, Megan.
I am no pump expert, but I've used several pumps in a rural setting, and here's a couple tips.
Are you really remote and cannot get grid power? It is a good option in a remote location, because things are tough
enough. No point in adding getting water to the list.
And sorry, metric fails me, here, but if you are doing it with a permit, there will be a minimum of so many gallons/liters per minute the well must produce. Not sure what that is in your area. Where I am 5 gallons per minute is the minimum, and a powerful pump could pump that dry quickly, then you wait for it to refill, and go again. 20 gallons per minute would give you a good amount of water.
Seems like what you've got in mind is quite labor intensive. After 6 months to a year, in freezing, windy, sleeting, raining, hot conditions hauling water will get old in a hurry. That size panel and one battery won't run a submersible, but it seems your well would be shallow enough to use a pump in a pump house.
I would not rely on
solar for the pump, unless you get big water tanks, like a couple of 1200 gallons, fill them when it's sunny, then you'll have a good sized water supply. Solar won't work overnight, and if your gallons-per-minute are not very big, you will not get that water for 12-14 hours until the sun is on the panels again. For me that's lost water.
If you can put the tanks uphill from your yurt, it can run via gravity flow to your yurt. It's always good to put tanks on a
concrete slab. They are your lifeline, and need a solid, level base. Plain ground has the risk of sinking on one side and putting the tank at risk. Gravel can risk making the bottom of the tank have indentations that could thin that out, gophers can dig through gravel anyway. It's a lot of work, but it's one of those crucial infrastructure things. It also makes your place more valuable if you change your mind about being there.
Even a couple days of overcast will have no power for the pump. Pumps need a lot of power 24/7/365, and that's a lot to ask of a solar setup, even if you have enough batteries and panels (plural). Batteries are expensive and using them constantly, running them down below half overnight because the pump keeps going on and off, shortens the life of the batteries.
local people have their pumps on solar find out everything you can from them, and what they would do differently. You'll need special equipment to control when the pump tries to start because it senses there's enough power. But with solar that power can come and go with clouds passing by, fog, etc. Some storms in the winter can go for days with overcast.
Wind storms can be tough on wind-power backups, and be quite expensive to fix.
AC, on-the-grid submersible pumps use a lot of electricity and that can be quite expensive.
A submersible pump runs the risk of the well caving in on it at some point and then it's lost, and a whole new well needs to be dug, a new pump bought. A well can be lined to prevent this, and it's a good idea to do that, regardless of the cost, since it is a good protection from losing the submersible pump.
We have to have 5,000 gallons for fire, but for a good-sized house that is not a lot of water if the gallons-per-minute in a well get lower and lower during possible dry seasons. You may not have to water your garden where you are, if it rains enough, but for those who need water for the garden, that can be almost as much as a house would use.
There is nothing safer and more comforting than the sound of water running into those tanks, at least where I am. Even just one good-sized tank for backup is a good idea. Make sure the rodents can't get in it. We have one that is 30 years old and it's in fine shape. I keep it covered so it's not in the sun, but it has lasted.
If it were me, and I wanted something I didn't have to worry about, I'd get a gas water pump, a good quality one, because they never get cheaper (my favorite has been mentioned in these forums) and fill the tanks at the speed that your well can produce water. You don't want to pump the well dry because your pump is too efficient, so you can do the math and calculate your gallons/liters per minute and get a pump that works with that. A good quality pump will shut off if it doesn't get enough water. They all
should, but a good one has the ability to do it over and over again without straining the pump. A gas pump that can fill a 1200 gallon tank wouldn't cost that much, and it may only take a couple of hours if you have a good well. That's a lot less "power" than solar. It's easy to get and store
gasoline, since you are probably already using it for other pieces of equipment.