Hey All:
Good news - my girls are making
honey & lots of it! ....problem is we're getting close to being honey-bound here.
I started the season with a weak hive which is now firing on all 8 cylinders. I had them in one deep in March and added a second deep to the
bottom in April - hoping the queen would move down and lay in the bottom box. She did not and they filled it with honey instead.
The upper deep is now mostly honey with some spotty laying where there is room. I added a honey super a couple weeks ago to give the hive some space and they just about have that filled with honey but not capped-off yet. I just added another honey super
below the full super and pulled one capped frame from the top brood box and replaced it with some drawn comb.
Found the queen and she looked slimmed down but didn't see any swarm cells in the upper box (didn't check the bottom one). Hoping they have
enough room until they cap-off some of these frames and I can swap them out.
Looking for advice on what to do here about making more room for the queen to lay. I
should probably attempt a split, but this would be my first time and not quite sure how to go about it or what method to use.
Also wondering if it's a good idea to swap boxes around or not. I have some extra deeps I can use, but not sure how to go about placing them at this point. I would like to remove the bottom deep (mostly upcapped honey) and put a fresh deep
on top of the remaining deep (currenty mixed brood & honey), but also don't want to mess with the hive too much. But these deeps are getting heavy!
Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.