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Dead East Coaster wants to GO WEST

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Hello - I am in my mid 30's, single been living on the east coast all my life.

Generally I hate it here, but it's home.

My passions have always been foraging, being inventive with home projects, re-purposing items, re-furbishing items, shopping in thrift stores and yard sales, coming up with solutions to problems, etc. -

These traits are somewhat un-appreciated in my neck of the woods. Where I am now, its all about getting the house and the 2.5 kids. I just can't deal with that.

Since about 2004-2005, I have had very strong desires to move to either Washington State or Oregon. I don't really know why. First my plan was to sell all my stuff here, enroll in a truck driving school in Washington, and move out there and being a career in cross country trucking with the Pac-West as my home base. That didn't pan out, but the dream never died, it just sort of re-emerges from time to time in different forms.

I am currently living with family here and trying to get out from under some debts I incurred when the economy tanked a few years ago. After I get all this stuff squared away, I really want to hit the road and come out to Washington or Oregon and get involved with permaculture living.

I first got exposed to permaculture techniques and philosophies through youtube about 2-3 years ago. I have some experience with planting vegetable gardens and so forth, but I really don't know much about "farming" per se. I might like to learn - not really sure about that yet. I would say my main skills are in the realms of construction / wood working and mechanics. I have done all kinds of carpentry, interior carpentry work, furniture and cabinet building - heck I have even made some knives and musical instruments too. I wouldn't mind pairing up with some people who might like to have someone with my skills who could add to a communal farming compound.

Other than the internet and youtube, what type of resources can I investigate so that I can learn more about the culture out there? I have never been to either State and I don't know ANYONE west of the Mississippi - so venturing west will be a big change for me.

If anyone has any suggestions for me with regards to any of the topics I have mentioned, please let me know. By the way, I am single and I do not drink, smoke or do drugs. I am not interested in getting involved in anything like that, just thought I would mention it.
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Location: Zones 2-4 Wyoming and 4-5 Colorado
hugelkultur forest garden fungi books bee greening the desert
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Try looking at some intentional communities. Maybe you will see something there?
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This could a answer for you.

Two years ago, we decided to take the plunge and try to develop an off the grid permaculture sustainable lifestyle. We purchased 80 acres of level pasture land. We call it the End of the Road Ranch.

It is 10 miles from the Oregon Coast with a house, 4000 sq ft pole barn, dilapidated horse barn, one mile of river front, and a stream.

This is looking across the dammed stream towards the pole barn and house. This is not the river.

This is the river.

Since we are retired, our intent was not to run this as a working ranch, but experiment with different permaculture ideas and pass them on to who ever would be interested in them. We wanted to develop DIY permaculture projects that anyone could do at the least cost. Some of our ideas are not pure permaculture, but a combination of technology and permaculture.

Our plan is to give a person time to find a location, arrange finances, and learn about permaculture while acquiring your dream land or join Paul’s Farm.
Our plan is not necessarily designed to be a person’s ultimate permaculture location; however, it could be if they choose.
We do not plan on having any permanent residences built. We encourage people to come with a 5th Wheel, travel trailer, RV or Yurt. When they have learned what they need, they take their home and move on. .

To promote this we have installed a separate septic system. A community bath house has been started with one flushing toilet in the barn with no walls yet.

A 200 amp service has been installed in the barn. Enough amps for 7 travel trailers or RVs.

New water pump system is now operation with water running to the barn for travel trailers or RVs.

We have dammed the stream for a future micro hydro system.

A separate 21 X 16 outdoor community kitchen has been roofed. Three walls of glass and Paul’s type rocket stove in a box are in process.

EarthBeds – We have built 8 automatic self-wicking growing beds to be irrigated without daily watering.

EarthBarrels – We have recycled 28 fifty-five gallon plastic barrels into self wicking containers that one can grow any thing and can be setting on your patio or driveway.

Projects not yet stated but planned are:

Automatic self-wicking growing beds to irrigate your food supply without daily watering
Rainwater harvesting
Make/cook on a Rocket Cook Stove
Make and use a solar food dryer
How to produce hot water from compost
Earth Heated Greenhouse Domes to raise food year around
Chicken Sanctuaries - automatic door opener/closer, water and feeders, to ensure a fresh egg supply
Worms raising for fertilizer
Heat your home using old hot tubs
Raise strawberries using water from a fish tank. - Aquaponics
Building and baking in an Earth Oven.
Heat your home with a rock wall and a Rocket Mass Heater
Gray water – fruit tree treatment\water system.
Self-Sustainable Community Shower/Bath House.
Micro Hydro with a Golf Cart system

We are not selling any land or interest in the land. Material and tools for all projects will be furnished, only your labor is required. You would be expected to work on our projects a certain amount time in exchange for your stay and the learning experience.

A self contained RV, 5th Wheel, or Travel Trailer is required. .These are full hook up sites with sewer, water, electric, and wireless Internet. There is no site rent or charge for the sewer and water. Electric is metered - you pay for what you use. Wireless Internet, if desired, is a shared expense.

Guests: They are welcome with tents and/or campers for short-term, there are no full hook ups for guests.

Firearms: - These are encouraged, but not required.

Illegal Substance: No illegal substance allowed or grown on the Ranch.

Hunting: – No hunting. There are Elk and Deer herds on the ranch. They are our long-term protein - on the hoof.

Pets - it is depends on the pet. Our chickens are free range and have to be protected until we get the Chicken Sanctuaries built.

Farm Animals: We have goats, ducks, and chickens. You are encouraged to have your own animals. That can include: dairy cows, pigs, horses or cattle.

Shed: Each site may have its own private shed and/or garden. It is expected that the garden would produce most of site’s food. If a resident leaves they must take the shed and the contents with them.

Our 80 acre Ranch is 10 miles from the Pacific Ocean in Oregon. We are 7 miles from the nearest town of 1300 people with riverside park, bank, bakery, restaurant, video store, churches, laundry mat, grocery store, library, post office, roadhouse\sport bar, fuel station and mini market. The ranch is surrounded by 20,000 acres of logging land. It is like a land locked island of 80 level acres surrounded on two sides by one mile of riverfront with salmon, cutthroat trout, and steelhead. You are free to fish all you want, but you will need a license.

There are 5 miles of logging roads and three (3) locked logging gates to get to the Ranch.

Warning: only ATT cell service available at the End of the Road Ranch. We do have a land line. The number is 541-765-2109.

For application, questions or visit
Email: nextday@cablespeed.com

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Coralee what an amazing opportunity and property!
I think they should change the spelling to Sandy Eggo. This tiny ad agrees with me.
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies
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