Hi, a few recommendations/thoughts...
I'm in Milwaukee WI, home to Helios Solar - one of the few US solar panel manufacturers; if you were closer I'd recommend their panels which are available right off the loading dock. When buying commercial panels, some of the greatest cost is incurred in shipment, see if you can partner with someone
local to buy a portion of a full pallet. Beware the $cost/watt, most panels or systems in the big box stores are horrendously overpriced...
the following links may be helpful:
builditsolar.com (no sales, just a treasure trove of DIY alterative energy informtion and links)
alt-estore.com (
online reseller, lots of good info, tutorials, calculators etc. get one of their catalogs as a reference book of sorts)
otherpower.com (discussion board, read into their forum as deeply as you can)
sunelec.com (sometimes have close-out panels and controls for sale, WIDELY varied customer reviews - not a recommendation, but worth looking at)
mrea (Midwest Renewable Energy Assn.) they might be able to link you up with a similar group out east
...if you're just getting into this, start by building small systems so that you understand how they work before spending
alot of money; collecting energy (solar included) is easy - controlling and storing it is where you'll loose your hair