William, I don't have
experience with taro, but lots of experience growing figs in the north. Make sure that your soil isn't too wet. For winters I usually let my figs get hit by a frost to lose their leaves and then I store them in a cold dark place. I have a room off my basement that stays 40F which is great, but I've kept them in a 50F part of my basement before. If they start to push leaves in the late winter I would move them to light in my sunroom. Otherwise, if they make it to spring then I move them outside for the season. In storage I will give them a little water just to keep the soil from drying out, but I try not to overdo it.
I also have a bunch of figs in ground. I bend them down to the ground and pin them down with logs. Then I cover them in dry woodchips and cover the low mound with a tarp to help keep it dry. When the snow melts off the tarp in the early spring I pull the tarp and remove the logs and woodchips. It's ok for them to take some 20s temps while still dormant.
I've never tried to carry a fig through the winter with leaves so I'm not sure about the problems you're having. Too dry, too wet or too cold could be potential issues, I think. If the leaves dropped I'd probably try to store them in a cold dark space as described above.