I'm 36, with 1,500 acres in South Dakota. My family has been ranching here for +7 generations, but I am moving away from the conventional ag practices towards
I find the most inspiration from Andrew Millison.
I have already started with keyline trenches and I've planted over 700
I was divorced in 2020 after helping my partner of +5 years realize her desire to date women. This is related to my general inclination to be non-monogamous, which does not mean polyamory necessarily (I have tried that, it was a bit too much for me). But I do like to be in relationship where open and honest conversation about attraction can be discussed and neither person believes they "own" the other person. Emotional fidelity is very important to me, much more than physical fidelity. But that's a long complex conversation that I brought up to explain my current state of being:
I'm currently single and after +2 years of dating, I've stopped dating.
I'm just working on the ranch and farm, with a focus on finding kindred spirits interested in working on the pursuit of self-sufficiency and fulfilling stewardship. Romance is not as important as shared interest to me. I may like women, but I would be happy to welcome any person/people of any gender identity/expression to join myself and my friends in this work out here. I'd prefer to know someone for years before even considering a relationship.
I'm committed to decolonization and I lean towards a DGR/Social Ecology (see Murray Bookchin) philosophy. I often listen to podcasts and audiobooks 4 to 8 hours a day, and would love to find someone similarly passionate about learning and teaching. I also love to sing and dance and would love to have more friends to sing and dance with... I actually perform in the cities on the weekend to earn extra revenue for the ranch. I drink too much beer and I have been smoking one cigar a day lately... I'd prefer to spend my sunset hours doing CrossFit, yoga, swimming, or trail running though. While I need time to myself, it is undeniable that I am an extrovert who gets
energy from interacting with others. I am also happier and healthier when I have good networks/groups/communities around healthy activities (there are no fitness. groups nearby, I use my rowing machine throughout the week and I go to the city gym on weekends). Despite my love of CrossFit, I am not a "bro" in any way.
I have been known as a "queer-hippie-cowboy" for years because I present as a traditional cowboy in many ways, except for my frequently bare feet, and my unabashed ability to express my "feminine side"... which simply involves cooking, singing, dancing, practicing empathy, nonviolent communication,
art, design and some other things the more traditional neighbors label as "gay" or "weak".
I also like to connect with spiritual groups like Buddhists, Unitarians, Pagans, and other types of naturalistic/contemplative spirituality.
While I'm responding here to you, Sara, I'm obviously writing this to the broader
Permie Community because I'm interested in meeting anyone/everyone who is even remotely interested in practicing
permaculture in South Dakota.
Sara, you're adorable, and I'd certainly love to begin a conversation. As for anyone else who found this overshare at all intriguing, go ahead and moosage me.