I definitely prefer the light quality, but I especially like them because I am more likely to go to bed early if I don't have bright
lights tempting me to stay up reading! I mostly use a 15W incandescent bulb, with the 40W as backup for times when I need to see something very clearly.
I didn't pay much attention when incandescent bulbs became less available here in the US, because I thought LEDs would work well for me. When I moved to an apartment with really hideous CFLs, though, I read some information that Karen Kingston had posted about
light bulbs (
https://www.karenkingston.com/blog/cfls/), and in the comments she described a bit about the toxic substances in LEDs, which made me reluctant to buy new LEDs for myself.
At about the same time I was realizing that I had been getting far too little sleep for the past ten to fifteen years, so switching to incandescents made sense for me. I figured that with the 15W bulb plus an average of 15 minutes a day of the 40W, I would come out ahead for energy usage (compared to three 15W CFLs kept on all evening). Over the past year, though, I found that I really only wanted about 15 minutes a week of the brighter light, using more in the winter and less in the summer.
The pandemic may have made some other people more aware of their sleep patterns and needs, but I don't know if that will lead many people to incandescents. I have a bit of an ascetic streak, and the dim lights that I am happy with probably wouldn't satisfy many people, so I'm glad that
LED quality and affordability has gotten so much better over the years!