Hello All,
I'm not sure if electrical was the right place for this since it incorporates several different things, let me know if it belongs somewhere else. I had this idea for a
permaculture kitchen design, but I wanted to get some other people's feedback on it. There are a few things in this design I don't know
enough about, so it is just an overall conceptual idea. I attached a sketch, I hope it's clear.
I don't know much about
biochar or charcoal production, specifically I don't know if it could be made on very small scale in a small kitchen stove to be used in a drinking
water filter. I also don't know much about the efficiency of small electric ice makers supplying ice blocks to the food cooler. Would it be realistic or beneficial?
Please take a look at the sketch, the basic steps involved with this system are:
1. Harvesting small fuel
2. Cooking with this fire
3. Cutting oxygen to the fire, and allow charcoal to collect in drawer beneath.
4. Transferring the new charcoal drawer to the water filter location
5. Emptying the old charcoal drawer from the filter into garden soil, replacing the empty drawer under the stove
6. Water from gravity-fed rainwater collection tank flows to charcoal filter, then down into the sink faucet and electric ice maker
7. Ice falls into insulated ice box for food storage
8. Meltwater from ice flows down into cold drinking water vessel
9. Kitchen sink drains grey water out into garden
Please let me know your comments, thanks in advance.
Justin Traylor