I am sorry that you are struggling from your neighbors weed control.
I am not understanding what it is about the application that you need help with. Maybe posting the question that you are having trouble with might help.
By the way, for folks that don't know what Homestead Rescue is it is a cable TV Show on Animal Planet.
Usually, when I try to watch Homestead Rescue I have already seen that episode except for last night.
Your van story reminds me of last night's episode.
The homesteader was afraid to get
chickens due to something killing their neighbor's
chickens, about 20.
Misty found a boat for $20 to turn into a chickenhouse.
The solution for predator control was a large area with a
fence that was completely enclosed. No opening anywhere not even from the sky view.
Enough rambling, let us know how you need help with the application.