Hi Tobina,
What is the climate, the elevation, the soil type?
There’s a skills to inherit property program on the Permies.com site, are you offering that your prospective farmer will inherit your property?
Try to differentiate what you have to offer and what kind of deal you want from the prospective farmer from a shaky deal.
Are you asking for money up front? What percent of ownership would a person get for that money? What are your specific expectations of them? Not that you have to lay all your
cards on the table, but consider: you want them to be solid and dependable, because you have asked for regular income in addition to buying in. They are going to make a geographic move, make a substantial outlay, and totally reorganize their lives. In order for a person to give the proposition serious consideration, they need lots of information, and they need something to base their trust on.
I know where Fresno county is, and you do, but lots of people don’t. What is the value of similar property in your area? What has it been like through all these dry years? Is there a well? A fully functioning septic system? Or municipal water and seeer?
What condition is the mobile home in ? Pre-HUD rotting death trap? Marginally livable? Customized, clean and move in ready?
You have an impending foreclosure, so time is limited for you. Best get the clearest description you can of what you’re offering and what you want in exchange, because 3 months isn’t a very long time to move from being complete strangers to encumbering yourselves with financial entanglements.
Good luck to you! It’ll be an arduous journey! But it’s doable.