Over the past several years, permies has inspired me to replace handles on a number of tools. I don't take
enough progress pictures to submit for
PEP badges. But here are some of the projects I have completed.
The most recent is a knife steel. A friend gave my family a paper sack of pocket knives several years ago. This steel and sheath was in it, but the steel had no handle and was very rusty. Back in November I dropped the steel in a big vat of acid (white vinegar) and let it sit for a few days. I took it out, wiped it with a rag, and it was so very clean. I keep my handle projects in a corner of the garage, with the remnants of the old handles. So I chose a broken broomstick for the new handle. Cut it to length, bored a new hole, and then drilled a hole for the rivet. I bought a brass dowel to make the rivet. I peened the rivet in place, and then let it sit while I wondered where my wife kept the saddle
soap for the sheath. Well, last weekend I asked her where that was, and she told me. So I cleaned the sheath and polished it just a bit. Tonight I plan to give the finished pieces to a blade-loving friend.