bruce Fine wrote:there are lots of plans on internet for a simple swarm box. a couple drops of lemongrass oil can be very helpful to catch and attract a swarm
But you would also want a more permanent home, a hive! The web site shown below has FREE PLANS that you can use to build a horizontal type hive. You need to find what STYLE of frames are used by your
local BeeKeepers and design your hive - and frames - to accommodate that style of frames. Many people with the Langstroth hives (vertical hives) are switching to the horizontal hive format due to the weight (60-80 lbs) of the supers used in the Langstroth hives. The same frames, filled full of honey, in a horizontal style hive would only weigh 8-10 lbs.
In your hive you need a minimum of 2 frames for the brood - where the queen lays eggs and the young are hatched out. And, depending on how cold the winters are you need to
feed the bees occasionally, but also leave at least 10 frames of honey for the bees to overwinter.
They have a couple of good
books on this web site and the Free Plans for hives, frames, swarm traps.
HEY! HAVE FUN WITH YOUR NEW HOBBY! IF you have questions/problems you local beekeepers are the very best source of information and usually they are willing to take the time to help a 'newbie' beekeeper.