I have been surfing the site for years. However, the plans/projects I find don't exactly suit my needs.
The goal is to boil large amounts of
water for canning and brewing beer. If I want to bring 50 gallons of water to a boil within ~60 minutes I need 55k BTU. The plan could be reduced to 10 gallons of water for a test run.
I'm considering casting a refractory in a 30 or 55 gallon drum. I'd use forms and pour perlite/concrete mix around it. The entire refractory would be encapsulated in the barrel. This would be super heavy and stable. I figure it would be very efficient and last a long time.
Has anyone done this? Can you provide links to plans? I prefer to learn from other's mistakes instead of my own!
There are a ton of tomatoes in our future this year. It'd be great to can outside with a
rocket stove instead of heating up the house. We like to play with fire and brew beer too!
Any help is appreciated. My apologies for the noob question...