Thanks, Douglas!
workshop went really well. The people who stopped by were really excited. I was thinking I might be able to earn the
PEP badge, but I didn't have quite
enough people.
We replaced the haft of an ax and the handle of a hammer. The ax probably took an hour and a half, all told. Which is the fastest I have ever done. Onlookers provided good tips whenever we reached a choke point. Removing the remains of the old handle and getting the round wedges out were the trickiest part. Other than that, it was a matter of spending some quality time with the shave horse.
While that was progressing I taught how to replace a riveted shovel handle and how to finish handles with linseed oil. I had several work-in-progress shovels for reference. So it was a great workshop. The participants left with some knowledge and skills.
I also learned of a source for reasonably priced handles! The new ax haft had an $8 price tag on it. So I asked the man where he bought it from? He said that there is a man who brings them to the Packwood, Washington
flea market on Labor Day. He has also gone to other swap meets that no longer occur.
I gave a plug for permies and SKIP, since SKIP inspired me to learn these skills in the first place.