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Kevin Goheen wrote:So as my wife and I are looking at buying a piece of property I am developing plans to diversify the property for food and farmer's market potential. The NRCS no longer has a property minimum for the hoophouse program and so I am looking to make the one acre a growing dream of all kinds. I like the idea of growing some citranges and pineapple guava and such, but are some cold hardy options that could survive the high tunnel, but not outside? We will inevitably grow vegetables and such in the hoophouse, but I want to focus on border line tropical fruits.
Mark Griffin wrote:These guys have some interesting citrus varieties that would probably work. They are in zone 8 and could probably give you some guidance on what would work for you. Never ordered from them but I have heard good things.
Winn Sawyer wrote:
Kevin Goheen wrote:So as my wife and I are looking at buying a piece of property I am developing plans to diversify the property for food and farmer's market potential. The NRCS no longer has a property minimum for the hoophouse program and so I am looking to make the one acre a growing dream of all kinds. I like the idea of growing some citranges and pineapple guava and such, but are some cold hardy options that could survive the high tunnel, but not outside? We will inevitably grow vegetables and such in the hoophouse, but I want to focus on border line tropical fruits.
Any idea how cold it will get in the high tunnel? Do you have the ability to heat it in any way if you have an unusually bad freeze? I would suggest avocados but it's hard to locate the hardy types commercially, even the nurseries that sell them never use hardy rootstocks. Anything below 20°F is going to cause significant damage even on most hardy cultivars.
Kevin Goheen wrote:maypop, poncirus, pawpaw
Winn Sawyer wrote:
Kevin Goheen wrote:maypop, poncirus, pawpaw
I think all three of those are hardy outdoors in your zone, no need to put them in the high tunnel.
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:Unheated greenhouses tend towards the same nighttime low temperatures as the outside air. They collect the radiant cooling just as effectively as they collect radiant heating. Huge thermal masses in the greenhouse can help moderate temperatures in both day and night.
I think I'm turning Japanese. I really think so. This tiny ad thinks so too:
GAMCOD 2025: 200 square feet; Zero degrees F or colder; calories cheap and easy