What I'm thinking about: EARTHBAGS
leila hamaya wrote:what a neat place. my understanding is that area is fairly cheap, cheap for washington anyway - thats the super dry part. but i enjoyed eyeballing a nifty modern diy castle dealio.
i think to them its broken, or in need of cure. i mean it doesnt have a completed roof, so thats pretty big expense.
but you could be right, it might have issues. idk though, i think that area is pretty ok, less red tape than elewhere, and the right cimate for an earthy structure. it also says its on an hoa, which that always makes me pause, but apparently a fairly lenient HOA as that has been there for a while.
but my best guess is cost to cure, just means they are valuing it lower than they normally would because its not complete/ doesnt hold that much objective taxable value being unfinished. who knows though. maybe not many- if any -strict codes in that area.
What I'm thinking about: EARTHBAGS
What I'm thinking about: EARTHBAGS
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