The original Silicon Valley hillbilly.
Joshua Bertram wrote:All a.i. generated, but I have to say I came up with a great concept, visually anyway (in my opinion).
I just typed this exact "prompt" into the image generator, and it spit these four out within seconds. I was surprised how well it understood the idea.
"permaculture property on a piece of land that is in the style of a spiral herb garden, except it's a long driveway that leads to the home at the top of the spiral. There are fruit trees, and vegetable gardens where the herbs would be planted"
Kind of fun to look at abstract ideas you'd never seen before (and I can't draw a stick figure, so I'm stuck using a.i.)
It's free too.
I am a child of the LIVING GOD, the least in HIS kingdom, a follower of the Nazarene, and a steward of this Earth.
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
The original Silicon Valley hillbilly.
My book arts:
Get off my freaking arm you great overgrown crow you...
"Tried to warn you. Now you shall become pie..."
Mmmm, pie....
You dropped half a fresh lemon into the chutney I just made. You wanna end up in a pie like your brother did or what?
You see this fig? I'm gonna give you ONE guess where I'm gonna shove it if that bloody bird drops anything else into my chutney...
What the heck have you dropped into my pot of herbs, Raven? That's it. I'm done with having you in the house. You can go and live outside. No idea how you managed to get yourself in here anyway. Now go. Shoo!
They're not quite so annoying out here, even if they are breeding like rabbits. I guess they can breed like rabbits if they want. Up to them really...
I should never have said 'let them breed like rabbits' should I? Why are they so freaking annoying?
But then, over the years, I learned to go with the flow a little.
Ravits are less annoying than ravens. With no pokey beak or grabby claws that drop things where they don't belong.
Plus, they do make an exceptionally tasty pie...
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
The original Silicon Valley hillbilly.
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Remember, moderation in all things, except, perhaps, dietary diversity!
-- James A. Duke
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