Hi there, my name is Daisy, and we are a family of 7 looking for a place that we can homestead on. We're open to leasing, owner carry, work trade, work for
land usage, etc. We're hoping to have access to at least 10 acres.
We don't claim to know anything close to everything about homesteading, but honestly we've always wanted to learn and have begun to dip our toes in. We're tired of "the gain-less grind" and all the busy-ness of not getting anywhere in life, and having nothing of substance to show for it, nothing to leave the kids, no legacy, no safe haven. We're desperate to change that.
We want to build a home (we will have an RV to stay in while we get the outer shell built) and have horses, a couple cows,
chickens (already have 20) and pigs. We also want to grow supplemental
hay for the horses, who we will in turn use to tend the field, as well as using the manure from the cows and horses for the garden and
greenhouse. I homeschool the kids and hubby works, and I would love to learn more about natural healing and remedies and grow a medicine garden as well.
We're originally from North Idaho, so we're quite familiar with the area, it's critters and seasons. We feel like the Lord is dired ting us to Lincoln county Montana. why, well, He never tells me that, just the where LOL.
I'm sure this is a long shot, but I live by the motto that you'll never know unless you try. If you or anyone you know might fit what we're hoping to find, y'all can email me at
Stay safe, God bless ❤️