Shannon : Fortunately, We are going to have the
gift of the Earths tilt on its Axis, and warmer days! We can work together and solve this !
I have used this technique twice, It worked both times, and the flow of water can be used to thaw out frozen pipes from the inside out !
You need to look into Hydraulic mining, which can be done with only a large sledge hammer, Small 'Trash Pump', 2'' pipe, a garden house,
and 50 gal-ish of water that you can re-capture and use again and again until the job is done. And when you are done the only waste is the
dirty water and a small pile of 'Tailings' consisting of your own
native silt washed out of your 'mining operation'!
In the time it took me to type this I considered going to a larger diameter pipe. With a larger diameter pipe more water will be needed and
more flowing force needed! 'Think smallish diameter drill casing' (3''? ) and not black plastic pipe, for the minimum distance to create your
Tunnel ! Whatever you drive through the ground is going to stay there as a 'forever' part of your foundation.
While the tunnel you create does not necessarily need to be level, you will have to dig down to create the trench the pipe will rest in while
you are driving it under your Foundation Wall, so the shortest lengths of pipe you can find will be what you want to use , be sure to have a
short throwaway piece on both ends to protect your threads/fasteners and drive the pipe by hitting thick dense pieces of
wood rather than
pounding directly on the pipe ! I would start a new Hydraulic mined Tunnel every time over trying to enlarge an existing tunnel, tried that,
This will be more physically demanding that your last problem, but can be solved a lot faster after you have gather'd the materials together !
-Speaking of which, how about an up-date on your
Rocket Stove, good and bad - or a link to wherever ! For the Good of the Craft ! Be safe,
keep warm ! PYRO Magically - Big Al ! '' don't lower the barrel, raise the Heat Riser !'' Your questions/comments are solicited and Welcome A.L.