Rocket COOK stove : This is just my opinion, and the original poster will never see my observations and this will only affect people who might be temped to follow this
So- He has no insulation between the COOKING style stove except a 'board' that was underneath and was smoking at 1:48 minutes I think - that if he tried that on
that counter on a cold day he would crack that counter !
The bumps on the top of his short chimney he says is there to allow someone to set a pan onto for cooking. I think - are not high
enough for the fire he has. A pot
placed on that amount of fire would choke off the flow of the exhaust gases causing the immediate massive production of smoke !
If we call the lower opening of this rocket Cooking stove a combined
Feed Tube, Burn Tunnel - then I Think - he has forgotten to make a metal horizontal shelf for the
wood to set on so that all of his feed air flows in below the metal horizontal shelf and the wood ! A hinged piece to further restrict air flow over or around the wood would
also improve the cookers efficiency !
This might be useful for boat or canoe camping, but, I think - you could also make this out of tin cans and fill that with dirt between the inner and outer shells, or use a
little bottom muck to 'plaster' it to the ground !
Yes, this is technically a
Rocket Stove, rather than a pocket rocket, or a
rocket mass heater, even with The Flaws that I think I see!
And it is pretty ! Big AL