If you have ever made biochar from bones you might have found the results oddly beautiful.
At the same time, they are rather fragile.
Is there a simple, relatively cheap way to harden pyrolyzed bones, so they can be used for handles, in jewelry and other ways?
This is a really interesting idea, William. I don't know, but I want to see if someone can answer this question because now I want to know too.
John S
I'd look at impregnating the bones with resin. I have impregnated wood with resin for projects before. YouTube has several tutorials. The material can be sanded for a satin finish or polished to a shiny finish. There are resins that are heat cured that wouldn't require a vacuum. The heat cured would also lend itself to the bone's unusual shapes. With the heat cured and a vacuum I wonder what would happen. Might be worth a test.
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.