Patrick Rahilly : Welcome to and A Big Welcome to the Rockets Stoves/Mass Heater Forum Threads, with over 18,000 fellow members, you are supported by
a very diverse group who want to talk about what you want to talk about ! You will long remember your first Few exchanges here at Permies. Speaking about Which - you
should go to sister site and click on/go to rocket stoves which will take you to a set of R.M.H. builds done by Professionals or as directed by Pros!
This is not the Jreck Videos from one-time-only contributors in U-Tube
Land !
For a 1st
project you have set the bar very high, It is difficult to tell From just the pictures we have seen so far, but I expect that to the left and above the bottom
Wood Stove
and the upper levels
wood stove here is liable to be a rather large void, with some wasted space,however a re-fit that uses that area could create structural problems, and
Great care most be taken that we are properly creating air gaps,reflective radiant heat barriers, and insulating around any 2X4 wall studs and hangers. Do you have an
Inspection panel now that lets you look in there to see how your current system is laid out? You spoke about channeling the exhaust of the R.M.H. up to the second level to
create a Thermal Mass Bench, and then route the exhaust gas to the 2nd
Wood Stove !
I am positive that your Two
wood stoves have two separate chimneys, or at least did in the original Architects drawings, This is definitely the way to go here and I mention it
because you said you would run your pipe into the Second
wood stove! If you don't have a clear way to see how the two wood stoves are piped now, I would climb up on the
roof and count the number of flue pipes within your chimney ! R.M.H.s should
always have their own chimney !
Are both levels of your Split level setting on cement slabs, and how are they tied together ? OR, Is the second upper level setting above a full or part Basement with
conventional Wood structural 2 X (?)?
As a help to visualizing the amount of work and materials needed for this job, I would like to suggest going to, to copy a Set of D.I.Y. Site
Planing guides. To find this guide from their home page ( They are The Moderators of This Forum ) click on/go to 'Consulting and Booking Events' -upper left of page- and
again in the upper left- click on the site plans prompt ! This should help you visualize your project, and protect you from missed steps that can really mess up a R.M.H.
Build !
I have pointed out everything so far Not to be bossy or negative, just to help you visualize your project more completely, I do have a final question about why you want a
Rocket Mass Heater, and why in that location ! In the past has that been the most used room in the house, or if that becomes the center of the house is it going to interfere
with something important like meal preparation ?
In order to get maximum use out of your R.M.H. It will need frequent feedings of small very dry wood, at start up every 1/2 hr or so until you get a good bed of coals
and the fire brick inside are glowing red. Then you may get way with feeding it Larger wood every two hours! Again to get maximum heat this kind of feeding pattern must
be continued for 6 to 8 hrs To Get 24 hrs worth of Stored heat in your Thermal Mass. If you have picked this location because it is out-of-the way and are not willing to give
your R.M.H. Pride of Place in the center of your house where it can be easily fed, then the need to leave your location to frequently
feed your R.M.H. will probably grow to
be a chore rather than a pleasure !
Is it possible that your second levels Wood Stove location would be better suited as the location of your R.M.H.? I hope that I have in some way helped you with this R.M.H.
project! For the Good of the Craft !
As always, your comments and Questions are solicited and are welcome ! Think like Fire!, Flow like a Gas!, Don't be the Marshmallow ! PYRO-Logically BIG AL