Really a pity I did not have my camera....
The bench is several meters long.
This stove has no barrel but the rest is like a
rocket stove!
How can it be?
There is little rise and no push from the up and down of the smoke in the internal chimney + barrel...
The mouth
feed is horizontal and the elbow reaches an iron plate which is for cooking.
So the smoke is automatically directed to a pipe starting from the side, and going along in the bench.
The pipe is made of used olive oil cans that have been welded. So it is rectangular.
I put my hand in the mouth feed and felt this pipe directly there.
At the end of the bench, there is an elbow and a chimney, that I did not looked at for diameter.
All this is outside and just under a roof with walls on 2 sides, and the gases are not going much higher than the roof.
It has been used regularly, though they do not remember is it was smoking at the start (because it does not matter so much).
The bench is warm after 2 hours no more, and even too hot near the fire.
This man also makes cubes with the L shape inside, just for cooking, and I was familiar with this.
But he uses the same the a bench and for heating, not only cooking!