To make things easier, language.
And inside categories we have
One of the things we look at when making big decisions is if we are going to have a place with low activity. As you say, this time of year permies people often focus on
wood heat, leaving the other energy forums less loved. For this reason, if we split them now, it would hurt the other energy forums and lower their seo (google is how most people find permies)
But one person can alter the path permies goes.
When I was new here, I adored the kindness that people used to communicate. But alas, it was all rockets and building and a smattering of
gardening. My interests were stuffed into a catchall forum. Not even a category. What's the point of talking about how to grow things and building stoves if we don't know how to cook? So I set to work. Keeping in mind I was a new user with no social standing or superpowers.
I bumped old threads with useful additions. I made new ones about projects, tutorials, and googles favourite, questions (i still do those even if I know
the answer because if I needed to know that, someone else is probably googling it). Everyday, i would start my day with
coffee and permies and make sure my favourite topics had threads near the top of the recent list. And end my day with hot cocoa and the same goal.
We now not only have forums about cooking and yarn, we have entire categories. Growies has gotten so large!
And I've watched others influence permies in the same way. They are passionate enough about a topic, they keep the conversation going until we have so much
quality content on that topic, we gotta make a home for it.
So yes, within certain limits for reasons, it's a possibility. But we would need to see more activity in the areas you identified as being overshadowed by rockets.