This Topic is about an
experience I had this summer thanks to my good friends Matt Barthelemy and Meira Smit. Matt started this grassroots community initiative called farm buds. Its where you carpool with a group of people to farms around Minnesota and Wisconsin to help them out in exchange for food and camping rights on their
land. Farmers share their wisdom with people visiting. It has been a great way to learn how the broader organic food system works in the region, build a resilient network of farmer friends, and learn about opportunities outside of the cities, if anything a break from the soul crushing noise, oppression, struggle, pollution of the
city. I struggle to call most of the farms visited
local as they were usually at least a one hour drive, but they may be the best we got.
This summer we visited:
Rose Farm; Moorhead, MN
North Circle Seeds; Vergas, MN (Lol what a town name)
Roots; St Paul, MN
Round River Farm; Finalnd, MN
Blessed Farm; Cambridge, MN
Philadelphia Farm; Osceola, WI
Frogtown Farm; St Paul, MN
Chengwatana Farm; Palisade, MN
Stegar Center; Ely, MN
Yes, 80 year old Will Stegar, founder of Climate Generation, global warming whistle blower, schooled us 20 y olds in pine tree throwing, and he was the only one not wearing gloves. But what can you expect from an artic explorer? He is going on another trip this year so... be inspired you 80 year olds. Your body is capable of more than you think, I think... Im not there yet. And yes, he is building a castle using local materials and natural building techniques in the middle of the woods.
I would like to mention CSAs. At Prarie Rose Farm, I was made aware of the reason CSAs are so desirable. Community-supported agriculture is powerful as a farm business model because rather than selling produce at market price, which is often not
enough money, a farmer sells at a price that gives what they need to live a comfortable life. It is a human centered approach.
At Round River Farm and Wolf Ridge in Finland MN, we visited a 30 y old homestead, retreat center, organic farm, and
permaculture center. David and Lisa designed the farm and retreat center so that if hard times come, the retreats will stop and the food produced will be enough to fee the whole town of Finland. This is a great example of resiliency: education, food source,
solar, civic involvement.
I am happy to have made so many wonderful connections this year and hope you gain something from me sharing. Ask me anything!